Thursday, May 21, 2015

My first sim in the Great Canadian Grid yay \o/

Finally!! I found a place full of nice, friendly people with booming development and grids for a very very (very!) reasonable price...the Great Canadian Grid!! I started with one sim...and here are the pics. It's a great chance to make your virtual dreams come true without killing your pockets. I use Firestorm (and sometimes Singularity)...but all the viewers that work in SL will work here. Woohoo 15,000 prims to play with :D (those 15,000 prims would turn to 30,000 only a few days later when i got myself ANOTHER sim lol).

This picture below shows the empty sim in the very first day, with only some huge prims I layed out to hopefully plan my city....I want to make something happen there that has the flavor of Lisbon (Portugal),..but it doesn't show from the initial plan. The prims take only about 1/8 of the whole sim.
Yes it's a joy to have virtual land and make your ideas pop into fruition, but if you want to do it from scratch it's a huge work building everything. I did get some items that helped eventually (you will see in future posts) but I'm trying to do most things from scratch.'s a happy day the day i got this...April 26, 2015.

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